21st CCLC
(Past) 21st Century Community Learning Center:
The Roxy Theatre Group After-School
WHAT: The Roxy Theatre Group’s 21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC), offered a FREE afterschool program complete with academic and performing arts enrichment activities to improve your child’s academic performance. Classes included STEM, literacy, acting, musical theatre, voice, and dance!
WHO: 6th-8th grade students attending Paul W. Bell Middle School were eligible for this program.
WHEN: 2014 - 2018. Monday-Friday, 4:00 PM to 6:30 PM
WHERE: Located at Paul W. Bell Middle School: 11800 NW 2nd St, Miami, FL 33182
21st CCLC Paul W. Bell Middle Program
Check out how we met proposal goals and objectives:
Pre-tests, upon comparison with mid- and post-tests, gauged improvement in specific subject areas, to determine the effectiveness of the programs offered by RTG.
Check out the great Adult/Family Member Activities offered by our partner, ParenTeen Moments, HERE!
Here are some pictures previewing our Human Rights project that started on March 20, 2017: